I have decided to create more postcard sized paintings, the first of which is pictured above: 'Waiting', 7" x 5" oil on canvas board. You might recognise the subject, I have painted him before!
I am really busy with commissions at the moment which is fantastic, but means I miss having the time to work on my own paintings... little postcard sized things I can tinker with while I'm waiting for commissions to dry between layers etc though so they fit quite nicely into my schedule! I was lucky enough to purchase several of
Sally Martin's little 7x5 oils as part of her 100 paintings in 100 days and I just love them! Was interesting hearing how much Sally felt her 100 little paintings had taught her; with a baby and a toddler to run after I sadly don't have the time to commit to such a big project but I hope to churn out one a week or so and use them primarily as trials for bigger painting ideas. They'll all be sold on ebay with bids starting at 1p- I figure the ones that make the most are likely to be the ones worth doing on a bigger scale!
Just need to get a decent photo of this little polo pony to list him on ebay with, proving tricky as ever!