Friday 30 April 2010

'Into the Buttercups'

This one has a title now and is not far off finished. Not quite sure where the buttercups came from... I messed on and on with the background trying to go for a blurry kind of grass but it really wasn't happening! I think I ended up dabbing spots of yellow on to blend in to the grass to warm it up a bit and before I knew it they were in a field of buttercups.

They look quite ghostly at the moment waiting for glazes of browns and blues to go over the highlights I have added to their coats. They should be dry enough to work on again tomorrow but I'm (weather permitting!) setting off for Badminton so it will probably have to wait until I get home on Monday now.

'Dark Horse' went down to £170 today, week 5 of the auction...


  1. hi there Laura, just crusing by, I think this is my first time on your blog, and I didn't know you had a toddler and a new baby, oh my! I have a hard time with my four year old alone! - neat to see Sally's painting in the shot you took there too. Love Dutch Auctions!

  2. Hi Jenn! Yeah, Oliver just turned two and Henry is 5 months now... I mostly paint in the evenings, unless I manage to get them both to sleep at the same time during the day, which isn't very often! I'm enjoying the Dutch Auctions and finding it quite cathartic clearing out older paintings!
