Saturday 13 August 2011

Bit of an update!

Been a fantastic few weeks for my art, lots to update you all with!

Firstly, I was very excited indeed to have 'Through the Surf' featured in the August copy of Artist & Illustrators magazine!!!

The Society of Equestrian Artists 'The Horse in Art' exhibition opened at Mall Galleries, London, on the 2nd of August- I was over the moon to be awarded The Eggesford Studio Prize for the best piece of work by an artist under 35 for 'Through the Surf'!! Still can't believe my luck! :-D

Had a wonderful week in Tuscany with family to return to even more good news- both of my paintings exhibited at the Mall were among those selected from the exhibition to form part of another SEA show taking place at Sally Mitchell Fine Art's Tuxford gallery in Nottinghamshire! I then discovered that 'Through the Surf' had actually sold in London- my first ever sale there, brilliant!!

So an amazing August so far! Now need to tidy up my bombsite of a studio and start thinking about my next paintings....


  1. Congratulations! Well deserved!

  2. Congratulation Laura ... have you come down to earth yet? :o)

  3. Thank you Sue! Not yet- still can't help but smile every time I think about it all haha! :-) Shame us artists can't bottle that buzz when things are going well to use during the quiet spells!
