Monday, 3 August 2009

'Acquiescence' awarded the The Ingleton-Beer Associates Prize

On visiting the Society of Equestrian Artists Annual Exhibition this weekend I was absolutely thrilled to discover that 'Acquiescence' had been awarded The Ingleton-Beer Associates Prize for best picture of horse and rider!

We had a wonderful time at the exhibition, which featured some incredibly beautiful work. It was a huge honour to have my paintings hung amongst the work of many many equestrian artists that I have admired for such a long time.

The next SEA exhibition is scheduled to take place in October, in Newmarket.


  1. A very well deserved award I'd say - your work is excellent

  2. Thank you so much Sue, very kind of you to say so :-)

  3. Congratulations!! it's a beautiful painting and well deserves such recognition~ well done

  4. Congrats! Much deserved it's a great painting!

  5. Congratulations, can't say I am surprised your work is beautiful!

  6. Thank you Dais, and Geraldine :-)
